Research Areas
- Quantum computer theory based on ion traps (Prof. Hilma Helena).
- Single photon theory, coherent states and quantum computers based on hybrid qubits (profs. Hilma Helena, Rubens Viana e João Batista).
- Integrated photonics and quantum optics (profs. Kleber Zuza, Rubens Viana e João Batista).
- Quantum optics (Prof. Hilma Helena, Rubens Viana e João Batista).
- Quantum cryptography (profs. Rubens Viana e João Batista).
- Single photon detectors and quantum key distribution experiments (profs. Rubens Viana e João Batista).
- Classic and quantum light polarization (profs. João Batista e Rubens Viana).
- Numerical methods for electromagnetism (profs. Kleber Zuza e João Batista).
- Quantum information theory (prof. Rubens Viana).